Saturday, May 30, 2020


Introspection. This isn’t a lockdown trend that I’m making or following, I’m just revisiting a hobby from once upon a time. Ofcorse, this lockdown has left me enough free time to introspect myself, but then this activity has been reminded me by somebody or something.

How about having a person that one surrenders themselves to?
How about having a driving force that pushes one to only excel in life?
How about choosing to see the simple desires instead of building castles in the air?
How about having a life full of answer and no questions?

The list of these questions (rather rhetoric) are endless. There certainly is some kind of joy and satisfaction in choosing to be happy.

I find them in my niblings - the way they talk and feel, how honest are these toddlers when they blow me a kiss over a video call and express that they love me and miss me. I find some satisfaction in their honest emotions and then I want to be the good man that they think I am.

I choose to be cheerful and happy for one person that I have in my life. I’m a treat to this person when I’m not nagging and complaining. How easy it is for me to be better because it is for this person. Yes I love this person rather too much that I’d overlook my chaos, this definitely isn’t any pretence but a choice. Here, my point is happiness certainly is a choice.

Too many things to take care off and choosing to be happy is the easiest one. Finding reasons to be happy could be little tricky sometimes; and I have found my way into this person. I choose to see this person happy that will come from me being that way. Reciprocation.

When one chooses to be happy, the happiness comes from all the places. From taking a stroll to launching rockets - every kind of activity will give atleast one reason to be grateful and indeed happiness. I reckon acknowledgement, introspection and reciprocation could help us in our decision to be better and happier..!!!

- Manish R. Mehta (Mania)
 Blogpost: 30.05.2020
 10:50 PM